Passa a LiveAgent con l’aiuto del nostro staff tecnico. Ci penseremo noi a spostare tutti i tuoi dati – gratuitamente! Contattaci ed iniziare a far migrare i tuoi dati oggi stesso.
Features | Liveagent
Try the best customer support alternative for free! No credit card required.
Contains a management tool that processes and catalogs customer service requests.
LiveAgent offers ticketing.
AirCall doesn't offer ticketing.
Live Chat
A real-time chat widget that you can place on any website.
LiveAgent offers Live Chat.
AirCall doesn't offer Live Chat.
Call Center
A call center that can be used to make and receive calls using automatic call distribution.
LiveAgent offers Call Center in All-inclusive plan for $39/agent/month.
AirCall offers Call Center in plan for $48/agent/month.
A feature that enables you to build a customer portal that your customers can register for to access their past tickets and knowledge base content.
LiveAgent offers Self-Service.
AirCall doesn't offer Self-Service.
A Facebook integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Facebook integration.
AirCall doesn't offer a Facebook integration.
A Twitter integration that fetches all mentions and comments and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer Tweets directly from the software.
LiveAgent offers a Twitter integration.
AirCall doesn't offer a Twitter integration.
An Instagram integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers an Instagram integration.
AirCall doesn't offer an Instagram integration.
A Viber integration that fetches all messages and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer and broadcast Viber messages directly from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Viber integration.
AirCall doesn't offer a Viber integration.
Knowledge Base
A knowledge repository that contains essential information, including troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and how-to-articles.
LiveAgent offers knowledge base.
AirCall doesn't offer knowledge base.
Customer Forum
An online discussion board for your customers that's located directly within your knowledge base.
LiveAgent offers customer forum.
AirCall doesn't offer customer forum.
Automation and Rules
Workflows that you can automate to eliminate repetitive tasks.
LiveAgent offers automation and rules in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
AirCall offers automation and rules in plan with pricing on demand.
A set of functions that allow different applications to work together.
LiveAgent offers API functions in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
AirCall offers API functions in plan with pricing on demand.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
A technology that allows incoming callers to navigate a phone system before talking to a human operator.
LiveAgent offers IVR features in All-inclusive plan for $39/agent/month.
AirCall offers IVR features in plan with pricing on demand.
Video Calls
A call that contains video, similar to Skype, Zoom, or Facetime calls.
LiveAgent offers video calls.
AirCall doesn't offer video calls.
Unlimited History
Tickets don't expire or delete-- you can view them at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited history in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
AirCall offers unlimited history in plan for $83/agent/month.
Unlimited Websites
You can use the software on an unlimited number of websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited websites.
AirCall doesn't offer unlimited websites.
Unlimited Chat Buttons
You can place an unlimited number of chat buttons on your websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited chat buttons.
AirCall doesn't offer unlimited chat buttons.
Unlimited Tickets/Mails
You can receive an unlimited number of emails and tickets.
LiveAgent offers unlimited tickets/mails.
AirCall doesn't offer unlimited tickets/mails.
Unlimited Call Recording
Record every call that’s made or received and playback the recording at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited call recording in All-inclusive plan for $39/agent/month.
AirCall offers unlimited call recording in plan for $83/agent/month.
Unlimited 24/7 Support
Customer support is offered 24/7 without limiting the number of queries you can submit.
LiveAgent offers unlimited 24/7 support in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
AirCall offers unlimited 24/7 support in plan for $48/agent/month.
Contattaci inviando un’email a o aprendo una live chat per parlare della migrazione dati da Aircall a LiveAgent. Puoi rilassarti mentre noi ci occupiamo di trasferire in sicurezza tutti i tuoi dati sul nuovo account LiveAgent.
LiveAgent offre plugin di migrazione per software di help desk e siamo al lavoro per implementarne uno specifico per la migrazione da Aircall. Rimani sintonizzato per saperne di più.
Fai migrare agenti, amministratori, utenti finali e clienti con facilità.
Fai migrare tutti i tuoi tag di settore e ticket.
Fai migrare ticket, allegati, campi utenti e campi ticket.
Dai un’occhiata ad alcuni vantaggi che puoi ottenere passando a LiveAgent
Supporto 24 ore su 24 da parte dei nostri agenti. Nel momento del bisogno noi ci siamo.
Strumenti utili, abbiamo più di 175 funzioni e oltre 40 integrazioni. Qui trovi tutto quello che ti può servire.
Passa a LiveAgent gratuitamente o scegli uno dei tre piani di pagamento.
Scegli tra 43 diverse traduzioni. LiveAgent supporta anche widget adattabili alla lingua selezionata.
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated help desk software for SMB in 2019 and 2020. Join companies like Huawei, BMW, Yamaha and Oxford University in providing world class support to your customers.
Fai migrare gratuitamente i tuoi dati da un qualsiasi provider di call center tra quelli elencati di seguito. Cambia oggi stesso. Pensiamo noi a tutto.
Scopri come ottimizzare il tuo call center con LiveAgent! Riduci il costo per chiamata e migliora l'efficienza operativa utilizzando il nostro software affidabile. Approfitta della prova gratuita e scopri strategie efficaci per calcolare e ridurre i costi senza compromettere la qualità del servizio clienti. Visita ora per saperne di più!
Migra gratuitamente da a LiveAgent con facilità e sicurezza. Approfitta di una prova gratuita di 14 o 30 giorni, senza bisogno di carta di credito. Scopri perché LiveAgent è la soluzione help desk più recensita e valutata per le PMI. Offri un supporto di classe mondiale ai tuoi clienti con oltre 170 funzioni e integrazioni. Passa a LiveAgent oggi stesso e unisciti a aziende come Huawei e BMW!
Stai cercando un' alternativa a Aircall?
Scopri LiveAgent, l'alternativa ad Aircall: nessun costo di installazione, supporto 24/7 e prova gratuita senza carta di credito!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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