I modelli di email di prova gratuita sono cruciali per le aziende SaaS per convertire utenti di prova in clienti paganti. L'articolo offre consigli e 10 modelli efficaci di email di follow-up per migliorare il tasso di conversione della prova gratuita.
Chiunque gestisca un’azienda SaaS sa che gli utenti di prova gratuita sono alcuni dei migliori contatti che un’azienda possa ottenere. Questi sono i potenziali clienti che hanno già deciso di provare il tuo prodotto, quindi se non riesci a convertirli in clienti paganti, un tasso di conversione basso può davvero danneggiare i tuoi profitti. Tuttavia, secondo un sondaggio di oltre 300 professionisti SaaS, in media, solo il 20% degli utenti di prova gratuita passa a un piano a pagamento. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni suggerimenti sulla creazione di email efficienti per le tue campagne di email marketing di prova gratuite insieme a 10 potenti modelli di email di follow-up che puoi utilizzare per migliorare itassi di conversione della prova gratuita.
Best practice per e-mail di prova gratuita
Crea un senso di urgenza e ricorda agli utenti quanto tempo deve durare la loro prova gratuita.
Includere un collegamento alle migliori risorse di auto-aiuto (guida rapida, tutorial video, domande frequenti, ecc.).
Vendi vantaggi, non funzionalità (mostra agli utenti cosa possono fare queste funzionalità per risolvere i loro punti deboli).
Segmenta la tua lista e-mail (utenti di prova attivi, semi-attivi, inattivi) e regola le tue campagne e-mail di conseguenza.
Offri incentivi per migliorare il successo della tua strategia di marketing di prova gratuita (sconto aggiuntivo, bonus, estensione di prova, ecc.).
10 esempi di modelli di email di prova gratuiti
Sebbene la maggior parte degli utenti della prova gratuita non diventino mai clienti, anche un leggero aumento del tasso di conversione può comportare un notevole aumento delle entrate. In molti casi, un’e-mail di follow-up semplice e tempestiva è sufficiente per spingere i potenziali clienti a passare a un piano a pagamento. Ecco 10 esempi di modelli di email di prova gratuiti di base che puoi utilizzare come punto di partenza per creare il tuo flusso di email di prova gratuito e convertire più utenti gratuiti in clienti paganti.
Email di onboarding di prova gratuita
Hi [Name],
Welcome to [Product]! I’m [Name] and I’m excited to guide you through your trial.
Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to login and play around a little bit. If you haven’t, no worries. Take a look at our Getting Started Guide – it’ll walk you through how to set up your account and introduce the basics of [Product].
What happens next?
Keep an eye on your inbox as over the next [length of trial] days, I’ll be sending you the best tips for using [Product].
In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, simply email me back and I’ll be happy to assist you!
Thank you so much,
Email di supporto proattivo di prova gratuita
Hi [Name],
Congratulations on starting your journey with [Product]. We’re excited you’re here and can’t wait to help you get started. Here’s what you should do first off to get the most value out of your free trial:
[Step 1:]
[Step 2:]
[Step 3:]
To help you get up to speed, here are the top three questions our customers usually have on the first day, answered right in front of you, so you don’t have to hunt around for the answers:
[Question 1:]
[Question 2:]
[Question 3:]
If you need any assistance, simply reply to this email. We will check in with you shortly to see how things are going. Until then, enjoy your free trial!
Email di check-in
Hi [Name],
It’s been [number] days since you signed up for [Product’s] trial. I just wanted to check in to see how things are going and make sure you’re getting the most out of [Product].
I noticed that you haven’t got a chance to [create/ upload/ set up, etc.]. This [video/ user guide/ webinar] will help you if you’re stuck or unsure about where to start:
How to [action] [result] in [Product]
If you still have any questions, simply reply back to this email and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Also, our support center has a ton of FAQs you might find helpful.
As always, I’m here to assist in any way so don’t be a stranger!
L’email di presentazione
Hi [Name],
You’ve [completed action with the product]. It looks like you’re already starting to get results!
This is a great time to consider taking a look at our different plans so you can take full advantage of [Product].
On average, our customers see [data-driven benefit]. Plus, if you upgrade your account, you’ll get:
[Premium feature 1] that helps you with [benefit 1].
[Premium feature 2] that allows you to [benefit 2].
[Premium feature 3] that enables you to [benefit 3].
If you’re ready, take a look at our premium plans here.
If you have any questions or need help choosing the right plan for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’ll be happy to assist. Simply hit reply or join us on live chat during business hours.
Scadenza email di prova gratuita
Hi [Name],
We hope you have been enjoying your free trial with [Product].
Unfortunately, we’re coming to the end of this journey, but we’d love to keep it going!
In order to [what they stand to lose by not upgrading], you’ll need to select one of our paid plans. Otherwise, your trial will end in [number of days left] and you won’t be able to access premium features any longer.
Choose your plan now
If you’re not sure which one is right for you, you should try the Basic plan – it’s a great place to start.
Have any questions or need help? We’re only an email away – just hit reply and we’ll get right back to you.
Email di estensione di prova gratuita
Hi [Name],
Your [Product] free trial has expired! But don’t worry – your [data] has been saved and is still available.
We know how busy life gets — and thought you might need some extra time to check out [Product].
Just reply to this email or click to get an extra 10 days:
Extend my free trial
If you enjoyed [Product], take one minute to upgrade. Our subscription plans start at [price] a month and all include [list of premium features].
Upgrade now to keep using [Product]
Have any questions or feedback? Let us know and we’ll gladly help.
Thanks for trying [Product]!
Email di sconto / offerta speciale
Hi [Name],
Unfortunately, your free trial has come to an end, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.
As a thank you for trying [Product], if you upgrade to an annual plan today, you’ll save 20% (that’s 2.4 months for free each year!) But here’s the catch. It’s only good for 24 hours.
If you’re serious about [pain point your product solves], then I strongly suggest grabbing this deal before it expires.
Get the deal here
Let’s take your business where you know it deserves to be!
Email di feedback sulla prova gratuita
Hi [Name],
Your [Product] trial is over and you won’t be able to use premium features until you purchase one of our paid plans.
Monthly plans start from only [price], you can take a look at all the options here: link to upgrade
Though it will hurt us to see you go, if you choose not to continue with a paid subscription, we respect your decision. You will do us a great HELP if you could let us know your feedback on why you choose not to upgrade to a paid plan.
Looking forward to having you as a customer!
Email di sondaggio post-prova (email di prova non convertita)
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for giving [Product] a try.
We noticed you didn’t upgrade your [Product] account, but that’s totally fine. Even though you chose not to go with a paid plan, we’d love to hear about your experience with us. It’ll help us improve our product, so you’ll be doing us a huge favor.
If you have a minute, could you please fill out our quick survey here (takes less than a minute!)? It would be much appreciated.
We are sad to see you go, but we hope to see you again in the future. If you’d like to give [Product] another try, later on, we’ll be happy to help!
Email di follow-up post-prova
Hi [Name],
It’s been a while since you signed up for [Product’s] trial. I just wanted to check back in to see how things are going. Did you end up going with another product?
If you’re still looking for a solution for [pain point], I wanted to give you a quick rundown of some of the new features we’ve added to [Product] recently:
[Feature #1][Feature #2][Feature #3]
If you’re interested in checking out the improved version of [Product], we’d be happy to offer you a new free trial. Let us know by replying to this email!
And even if you’re not interested, I’m still happy to help you out in any way we can.
Bonus: email di prova convertita
Hi [Name],
Congratulations, you are now able to fully access [feature 1], [feature 2], and [feature 3] without any limitations.
We can’t wait to see how [Product] will benefit your business.
Thank you so much![YOUR SIGNATURE]
P.S. If you want to double down and get your whole team immersed into [Product] faster, jump on our next week’s customer training on how to [use case].
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Modelli di email di casi studio
Scopri i modelli di email di casi studio di LiveAgent per convincere i potenziali clienti della qualità dei tuoi prodotti o servizi. Utilizza formati come PDF e video per condividere storie di successo e dimostrare come il tuo marchio ha risolto problemi per altri clienti. Prova gratuitamente per 14 giorni e migliora le tue vendite e la soddisfazione del cliente.
Scopri modelli di email di verifica efficaci su LiveAgent per autenticare le identità dei clienti e garantire la sicurezza delle informazioni. Ottieni suggerimenti per scegliere tra email in testo semplice o HTML, e accedi a una prova gratuita del miglior software di ticketing. Visita ora per migliorare la tua comunicazione aziendale!
Esplora la nostra vasta gamma di modelli email su LiveAgent e trasforma la tua comunicazione aziendale! Dai modelli di onboarding e apprezzamento clienti a quelli per lanciare nuovi prodotti, abbiamo tutto il necessario per migliorare il coinvolgimento e la soddisfazione del cliente. Visita ora per scoprire come questi strumenti possono semplificare la tua comunicazione e aumentare il successo delle tue campagne.
Modelli di email di onboarding del cliente
Scopri modelli di email di onboarding personalizzati con LiveAgent per migliorare le relazioni con i clienti e promuovere il tuo business!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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