I modelli di ticketing migliorano l'efficienza del supporto clienti con risposte predefinite, riducendo i tempi di risposta e garantendo coerenza. Offrono vantaggi come risparmio di tempo, aumento di produttività e fiducia, oltre a una messaggistica coerente.
Sebbene gli agenti dell’assistenza clienti in genere debbano rispondere a un’ampia varietà di domande, fortunatamente non devono reinventare la ruota per domande comuni, richieste di supporto o problemi. Possono invece utilizzare modelli già pronti per ridurre i tempi di risposta e fornire un’esperienza di servizio clienti coerente. In effetti, le risposte predefinite, le risposte predefinite e i modelli sono una delle caratteristiche più critiche di qualsiasi software di ticketing di supporto. Offrono agli agenti più tempo e meno stress, aiutano a semplificare il flusso di lavoro e accelerano l’assistenza clienti. In poche parole, messaggi e modelli predefiniti possono:
Con una serie di messaggi già pronti, puoi ottenere un approccio personalizzato riducendo al contempo l’onere di creare ogni risposta da zero. La creazione di una libreria di modelli e risposte predefinite efficienti, tuttavia, richiede tempo e impegno. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni modelli di ticketing di supporto di base basati su 12 scenari comuni. Usali come punto di partenza e adattali alla tua base di clienti.
Thank you for reaching out. This is just a quick note to inform you that we received your message and have already started working on resolving your issue [Ticket ID: (Number) dated (Date)].
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. We are available round-the-clock and always happy to help. Thanks for being a loyal [COMPANY] customer.
Take care,
I wanted to update you before the weekend about the status of your [Issue, Ticket ID]. It is currently in progress and is being worked on by our tech support team. We’re prioritizing your request, and I will make sure this issue is resolved as soon as possible.
As a rough estimate, it should be fixed on [ETA]. We’ll keep you updated.
Thanks for your patience!
It’s been a while since our last update, but we wanted to reassure you we haven’t forgotten about your issue. It’s been a bit more challenging than the average case but our team of tech gurus is committed to resolving it as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, we will keep you posted on any further updates. Thank you for your patience while we work through this.
Thank you for submitting your ticket [Ticket ID] on [Date]. Could you please give us a little more context? When did this issue begin? Has it been occurring consistently, or does it happen on and off? Have you tried any solutions on your own?
These questions will help us find a more personalized solution to your problem.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
[AGENT NAME] from [COMPANY] here. Hope you’re doing well!
You’ve reported a problem with [Issue] on [Date]. As promised, I’m circling back to tell you that it has been successfully resolved.
The problem turned out to be more complex than we thought, so it took a little bit longer to get it fixed. But everything should be fine now. Could you confirm that everything is working?
If you have any more questions or come across any other issues, let me know, I’ll be happy to help.
Have a great day,
Your [Issue, Ticket ID] has been resolved. Thanks for your patience and time, and we hope our customer support was satisfactory.
If there is anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email or call us at (number).
I’m reaching out about your case with us regarding [Case topic]. It’s been [Number] days since we’ve heard from you, so I wanted to let you know that we are going to close this ticket.
You can always reopen it or raise a new ticket if you need any further assistance. Thanks for working with us!
We’re reaching out with an unfortunate update on your request [Ticket ID] dated [Date]. We admit that there was an error on our part, and we’re really sorry about it. The fact that we (explanation of what was done wrong).
We understand that this is an inconvenience, but we’re currently doing our best to sort this out. We are once again extremely sorry for this incident. I will personally inform you of any further updates.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we are experiencing technical issues at the moment. Our tech support team is already on it and the service should be up and running in [ETA].
We’ll let you know as soon as we’re back. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Thanks for being patient while we sort this out.
Thank you for reporting [bug]. There seems to be a glitch in the application. We’ve logged this in our bug tracker, please expect a new version with the fix shortly. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We appreciate your patience,
You have recently contacted us regarding [Issue], which was [Resolved/Closed]. We’re reaching out to make sure that there have been no related issues since. In case you have any updates, please let us know. We’ll be happy to assist you further.
Good, I’m satisfied
Bad, I’m unsatisfied
Your feedback is appreciated and will help us improve!
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LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated ticketing software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try it today with our free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
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